December's Astrological Journey
December’s Astrological Journey
Is the Festive Season as we enter the last month of the year. Lights twinkle against the darkness of the world in the Northern Hemisphere. We begin to look forward to greeting the New Year and time passes with another year gone. It’s a time of hope, charity, giving and receiving. We need to remember to be compassionate with one another as the world churns. We’re breaking up the old ways, as we head into a new era.
The big news of the month is Mercury’s retrograde phase. Sometimes the little Hermes actions to move backwards, gives us time to reconsider. Plan more fully. Examine our options. These are positive actions produced by Mercury’s position. I know, it can be frustrating, because as a society want to keep moving forward. We end the year, as we did last year with Mercury’s action in the sign of Capricorn. Except this time, he shuffles back to Sagittarius.
He entered his shadow on November 25th, at the 22nd degree of Sagittarius. Triggering the upcoming New Moon in December. He then joins the Galactic Centre point at 26/27 degrees of Sagittarius. A point he will connect with twice on his journey. November 28th, and again on Jan 20th/21st. At the same time Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius for the second time, which seems significant as we transition to the Air Era. The Galactic Centre (GC) sits at the centre of the Milky Way. Some think it is the centre of the universe. A portal from which the Gods impart information to the world. Giving us a larger picture of freedom and truth of our existence. Crucial information for us to evolve in our existence. Assistance and downloads from the higher realms to us. With Mercury transiting over this centre, we could see some higher perspectives emerging, as we enter a higher consciousness of awareness. New information and thought patterns come into our realization.
Mercury will square Neptune on his way through as well. Making his first pass on November 27th at 24 degrees of Sagittarius/Pisces. This was highlighted by the Full Moon’s energies in Gemini, the sign that Mercury rules. Both signs are about our belief systems. Ethical and Moral dilemma’s and who’s justice is the truth. This is a battle zone with the square and the evaluation of our perspective during events could significantly shift and change. We could be persuaded into believing a different truth on our way through December and January. The second pass arrives on December 26th, changing our views of the truth. Once again, the Mercury square Neptune will align with the Full Moon emerging on the 27th of December. There could be some readjustments to various legal disputes or reviews within the justice system. Appeals, re-negotiations, as agreements are altered. New information can come forth which is rather strange or bizarre. Secrets are revealed, challenges are made, and deception is questioned. Deceptive propaganda can emerge, as we question the facts about various situations. Manipulation and persuasiveness about our awareness of the facts of situations. Who really is telling the truth, and for what gains are made to hide the truth. These are questions we will be challenging ourselves to see. To break down the veil and peer into the illusions around us. Issues surrounding the courts, judicial systems, lawyers, religious institutions, immigration, shipping, universities, medical systems. Who or what we believe in. Yet in the mist of all this we also see magic, faith, compassion, and sympathy. Perhaps when Mercury connects with the GC.
The last pass between these two is on January 7th/8th, just prior to Mercury’s last connection to the Galactic Centre. Which will bring us some enlightenment through our piercing of the facts that we so urgently need. This is a time when the portals open, we usher in a new need to break free from the controlling measures we feel we are in. To breath fresh air once again, perhaps as we stand in the mist of our own rubble. Understanding that what we once believed is no longer viable or realistic. This is a shape shifting aspect.
Mercury will make his inferior conjunction with the Sun on the Winter Solstice at the critical degree of 00 Capricorn and the start of the season of winter. This can bode well for the new season beginning. A time to start fresh. To rethink our position on a personal level and to realize that we as individuals have choses. Especially surrounding leaders of the world. This occurs just a couple hours prior to Mercury’s re-entry into Sagittarius. Producing a new dialogue, and review about what we first assumed. A time to initiate new projects with new concepts in our philosophical views. New agendas are being formed.
We have a lot of changes this month astrologically. Along with 2 Moon’s emerging. A story is being told. We need to just listen to the frequencies of the music being played and the words. We can get caught up in the sway of the rhythm, we forget to listen to the words. Just open your eyes for a moment. Stop swaying for a moment and just listen carefully to the words of the music.
Mercury also makes three passes with Jupiter in a positive energy of the trine. He first makes contact on December 8th. This gives us a fluid connection to stability. A sense that everything is going to be ok. It’s optimistic and we trust the system. This can promote higher educational pursuits. Promising news for immigration or immigrants. Travel plans are made, with a need to explore other cultural ways. This is a great energy for parties and entertaining. There is a need to be extravagant, but simplistic or elegant in how one displays. One present versus a bunch, which is of value.
The next pass will be on Dec 17th. Here we may question our purchases or even return them. We could feel as though we are overspending or that things are a little out of control and need some guidance to bring things into perspective. We could be changing our minds. Re-examination of exaggerated news or gossip.
The final pass is on Jan 23rd. This makes promises for the new year. To turn over a new leaf and move in a new direction in how we see things. What we believe and how we want to implement new financial practices into our lives. Clean simple living.
Mercury Ingresses into Capricorn: Dec 2nd.
This is significant, as it triggers the Winter Solstice point. Activating the critical degree and drawing the world into some sort of dialogue. We are thinking about business models, leadership, government regulations and new conversations arising within the regulatory systems. This is a shrewd, serious position for Mercury. Full of strategy, planning and organizing projects. Methodical organization for various projected goals. Agreements and negotiations are likely. A new conversation for political viewpoints, perhaps in elections. Announcements of various infrastructure projects. New media about various people in higher positions. Regulatory systems are talked about and the review due to inefficiencies. Talk of small business models.
Mercury will re-trigger Capricorn Solstice point arrives on January 14, 2024.
Venus Squares Pluto: Dives into Scorpio: Dec 3/5th.
When a planet connects with Pluto, it always creates an urgency. A quickening to react to the potential threats. This aspect is always a tad intense. This produces financial tensions, lover’s quarrels, and difficulties with business partnerships. Breakdowns in agreements. There is an intensity, which can produce jealousy. Prompting people to act in violent ways to produce financial wealth. Obsessions or stalking energy emerges. We look to uncover truths and create balance within our lives, perhaps through a desperate need to do so.
Venus then dives into the intense sign of Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto. Everything is just a little more passionate with Venus in this position. So many emotions rise to the top, influencing our relationships and financial sectors of life. We have a strong need to push the buttons. Seeking some sort of gratification through our addictions, such a sex, financial gratification, control issues and determination to achieve our desires. We can discover secrets, through research and diving deeply into situations. We rely heavily upon our emotions and can drive things too far if we don’t have some sort of governance into these things. Betrayal and people not adhering to what was first agreed upon. Things are dramatic as we need to know more about the mysteries of life. Power and control issues are prominently displayed.
Neptune stations Direct: Dec 7th.
This always adds a bit of energy into the equation to the events transpiring at the beginning of December. Neptune is activated, being so close to the earth. This planet is a host to the healing modalities. Faith and our belief system to manifest our own journey is highlighted when Neptune is positive. Here we know in our heart of hearts that there is something greater than ourselves and we can move mountains when we attain this energy positively. Yet, we are unsure because we can’t readily see these things in the physical world. This leads to skepticism, yet we can get duped into believing something that isn’t true. We hope here in the illusions of what we desire. Due to the Mercury square Neptune aspect arising through the Mercury retrograde station.
Venus opposes Jupiter: Dec 9th.
This leads to exaggerations and over the top conspiracy theories. Peering into the depths of the abyss. This can produce a lot of spending, so it would be wise to create a budget prior to this energy emerging. People are persuasive so we can fall into doing things which are a little out of control. Watch your diet, and those Christmas parties can get a little extravagant. Watch your sweet tooth. Financial issues such as the debt load and expenses are out of balance.
We enjoy a stretch of energy from the 11th to 16th of positive influences, even if things can be a little precarious.
New Moon in Sagittarius: Dec 12th.
New Moon’s produce a fresh start as new seeds are planted for the future. We can begin anew for projects beginning to arise within our lives. Sagittarius is an optimistic sign. Always hopeful and expanding its energy to see more and experience more. This Moon trines the North Node, seeking self gratification and direction in our own sovereignty. Looking to future possibilities and deriving knowledge from past experiences to guide us forward. Issues surrounding our belief system and how we wish to interact within our values and core moral beliefs is highlighted through the square to Neptune and the rulership of Jupiter. It’s a push pull between the system’s doctrine, such as the legal systems or management of the core values of a country, such as the stability of income to promote security and profitability. Yet we struggle against our own core values to do as the systems are telling us. This can cause struggles to emerge and cracks in the systems to erupt.
Mercury Stations Retrograde: Dec 13th.
We begin to transition between outside dialogue and internal dialogue. The mind moves much faster here, and we have little patience to allow others to speak and for us to listen. He stations in Capricorn, so business models need to be re-examined and reviewed for efficiencies. Government policies or practices need revitalization and renewed commitments. Corporations also need to change their dialogue of how they interact.
Sun Square Neptune: Dec 16th.
There’s a lot of propaganda this month due to Mercury’s square to Neptune and the Sun reinforces this illusion. We can be led down the garden path through social media. Setting up the goals we aspire to attain. Yet are they real? Or is it just self-deceptive energy which is re-enforced by a person we trust. Like a leader or boss. There is a sense of being lost. Things can vanish or be swept under the rug. Followers of the unseen or unheard. Cults and Scams galore. Yet, we can be pushed into awareness against the fabric of this illusion. Neptune is double folded. Two sides. Two illusions. Like many mirrors projecting our lives. This questions what you believe in and what is real or unreal.
Winter Solstice: Sun ingress into Capricorn and aligns with Mercury: Dec 21st.
This begins the slow season in the northern hemisphere. A time when we sink into ourselves, and the world seem to change around us. We run from here to there and back again. Take the time to enjoy this season. Read, slow your pace, drink hot chocolate with friends or family. Take a drive against the whiteness of the winter. Slow purposefully and intentionally to absorb all the goodness of the Season.
The Winter Solstice refreshes us. Sets new parameters. A new conversation begins to unfold, as Mercury aligns with the Sun. A new dialogue, belief or perspective is unfolding this season. It’s close connection to Jupiter, lifts our spirits and expands our outlook. Warmer than usual weather is indicated. We seek what is of value, what is important to our vitality and where our interests really lye. It also is a very grounding season, with it’s sextile to Saturn and the Moon’s ingress at the 00 degree of Taurus. This can stabilize us, producing things we appreciate and desire. The boundaries shift a little. Giving us more room to enjoy the fires in the hearth. We dream of the future with enthusiasm. Standing firm in our beliefs.
Yet, Venus will oppose Uranus, and perhaps this is a good thing. To rid ourselves of that which is no longer viable within our lives.
Venus opposes Uranus: Dec 21
With the South Node now in Libra and the North Node now in Aries, we can see relationships beginning to break down. Agreements, allies, and partnerships come under pressure to be release because one party is not being recognized as a person, identity or individuality within the partnership or connection. With Venus opposing Uranus, we can see this fracturing further. There is an imbalance, and an upset could further erode the relationship. Financial issues can loom large here. Investments systems such as the stock markets or banking systems can be under pressure to change their format. Other currencies could also see significant changes forced upon them. Perhaps regulatory systems. This is a challenging aspect. Create a budget, be sensible and don’t do anything rash.
Christmas Season: Dec 22-27th. Wonderful Holiday Greetings.
It appears this is a very positive time. Mercury will shift back into the jovial sign of Sagittarius on the 23rd. Encouraging us to get out and enjoy ourselves with family and friends. Outdoor activities are highlighted, along with making travel plans to a wonderful sunny destination. The Sun will sextile Saturn, bringing some promising stability forward. Making us feel aligned with purpose and belief. Mars will trine the North Node, pushing us into the future. Then Venus will trine Neptune, giving us the Christmas magic and miracles, we always seek through the Season. The Sun will trine Jupiter, assisting us to feel joyful and grateful for our lives as they are and then Mercury will join with Mars, initiating new agreements and negotiations to emerge. Action is taken.
Boxing Day: Full Moon at 5 degrees of Cancer: Dec 26th.
This is the second in a series of 6 Full Moon’s landing at the degrees of 4-5 of the signs. This Cancer Moon is sensitive, but very much aware of its duty due to the dignification of its position. It is keeping the hearth fires going due to its connection with Vesta and sextile to Juno as commitments are adhered too. Sticking to one’s guns I suppose, even at the sacrifice of oneself. This also is indicated with the trine to Saturn. That we must maintain a sense of reasonable behaviours due to the need to protect the family, community, ethnic background, or religious affiliation. That we as this unit must all stick together, even if we do not agree with one another. We must support at all costs. Even if what you are defending or goes against your moral beliefs. This arises as Mercury in retrograde makes his second pass to Neptune. Attempting to reflect and dissolve or cover over issues. It’s challenging our beliefs and understanding of what we truly see as the truth. Thus, we could see challenges against this doctrine or propaganda in some sense but risk the potential of being outcast from our groups.
Mars square Neptune: Dec 28th.
Neptune is a big influence this month. Now, Neptune isn’t necessarily bad or good with either a positive aspect or negative aspect. It is simply the illusions or beliefs that we live with within our lives. So, we can just live in our illusions. The house of mirrors, where we only see what we see. This is what is around us at any given time. This pretense of what life really is. The negative aspects can shatter these beliefs, pushing us into avoidance or ignorance of what we are really experiencing or seeing. A vision that isn’t real or it’s bizarre or distorted in some fashion. This leads to conspiracy theories as our minds try to adjust to the shifting landscape around us. Here Mars will shatter some of these illusions. Violence can increase as a result as people revolt or take their anger out on these bizarre events transpiring.
We must remember that the world is waking up now. We must now shatter these falsehoods and separate the veil of our beliefs to move on. This can create or trigger violence in retaliation of what we thought was the truth. Religious Wars.
This plays into the latter few days of 2023.
Venus enters Sagittarius : Dec 30th.
Venus functions way better in Sagittarius. Seeking truth and justice. There is a spiritual connection as we push the boundaries of socializing, friendly interconnections, and expression of ideologies or philosophies. Venus seeks evolutionary experiences here. A love of the outdoors, change and stimulation, challenges in intellectual pursuits. Morality and ethical components stretch us further into displays of exaggerations. Judicial or legal implications are likely. Along with educational issues in higher educational platforms. Immigration and travel are highlighted, along with shipping or religious institutions. Sports and gambling also are highlighted along with investments. Again, truth in what and how we are spending our money. What is of importance to you.
New Year’s Eve: Jupiter will station Direct: Dec 31st.
No matter which way you turn the ball, Jupiter is always the optimistic. Which can lead to over exaggerations, big ideas, big splashes of enjoyment and release. Using up the resources through the enjoyment of the goods available. This should turn out to be a very enthusiastic New Year’s Eve. Full of glamour, extravagance, drinking, and overeating. It’s therefore should be fun if one has the funds to maintain this enthusiasm. Lots of spending, gambling and risk taking. Please don’t drive under any influences.
Venus’s sextile Pluto and squares Saturn: Dec 30-Jan 1st.
The Venus to Pluto Aspect can give us a sense to change or transform our mindset. This is full of New Year’s Resolutions and promises that we will stick with it this year, through sheer determination to do so. The square to Saturn, seeks to shift our perspective and move the lines of responsibility. To enjoy more of life, without the seriousness of it. Seeking more time for creativity and less time brooding over spilt milk. Yet, we must be sensible in our journey into 2024 and this cautious us to do so. To Balance things out.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you All!
From Me to you!
Spiritual Journey with Colleen Jorgensen