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June's Astrological Journey

June’s Astrological Journey

Mystical Pathways


As the Sun treks northward, the weather warms into Summer. Rejuvenating our energies with sun kissed skin, warm breezy days, and a feeling of freedom. This is a refreshing month, where weddings happen, social gatherings begin with flowers coming into full bloom.


Astrologically we open the month, with a feeling that everything is going to be ok. We ae full of spunk with Jupiter’s entry into the agile sign of Gemini. Pushing us to express ourselves through various platforms, such as social media, debates, language, or learning something new. We can feel excited, as we travel about exploring our new options for the next year. Jupiter here can be agitated, making mountains out of mole hills, so we must be consciously aware of how much information is really needed to get our point across. Things can over-exaggerated as we create a fluster around various events, topics, or social connections. We can see lots of domestic travel, perhaps related to family gatherings, weddings or social events. Although Jupiter is in his detriment, feeling a bit left out, which can produce anxiety, restlessness and difficulty sitting still. Scattering our energy in multiple directions.

The next issue we come upon this month, is when Venus and Mercury head out of bounds come the 11th of June till the end of the month. When a planet is out of bounds, we can feel as though we can cross the boarder of what is deemed appropriate behaviour. With each of the inner planets here, we can find ourselves speaking out of turn within relationships. Flirting is more likely as we’re a little more brazen about where our boundaries lye. Both planets are in the sign of Gemini until the 17th of June. This can create a tangled web of gossip, missing pieces of information and information rising to the surface. So many new interests can grab hold of us as we shoot into new avenues of thought. It can all seem overwhelming, so take a little time to just sit down and think about things before you jump into any agreements too quickly. Once we hit Cancer, we are more likely to exceed the limits of our desire for house purchasing or property buying. Housing can take a turn towards new designs or interests. Things can still become distorted, so watch the fine print if purchasing. Extreme bidding wars can take place until Venus and then Mercury pop back into bounds.


Jupiter trine Pluto: June 2nd:

This is a powerhouse of energy. Allowing us to venture forth into futuristic ideas or ideologies. Anything is possible as we expand our ability to communicate our thoughts freely. Great strides can be produced to gain financial control over debt issues or balancing budgets. Agreements and negotiations can also take place, which can push us forward in our visions of what we really seek to gain. Growth and advancements in technologies or mining techniques. Funding for various scientific projects or DNA research. Along with new technologies related to the resolution of criminal activity. We can also see inventions emerge with this connection as new ideas bubble to the surface. On a personal level, this might be a great time to begin your new business, delve into writing that book, or start a new project. Look for funding or grants when possible. We could even discover a treasure. Great time to plan a trip.

Mercury will also sextile Neptune:

This is a persuasive energy. Full of creativity and expressions of endearment and sentiment. It’s a dreamy connection, allowing us to drift into the veil and receive information from the other side. Imagination sours to new levels. We can see things through a new medium, perhaps via psychic or high intuition. This is a great connection for writing, photography, dancing or playing in delightful places. A great time to go to the movies or attend a play. Secret events could be going on, that are all the rage.

Mercury enters Gemini: June 3rd:

Mercury loves his home sign of Gemini. He gets to express himself through various modalities and interests. This is a versatile placement, where the mind changes due to the agility of Gemini to see both sides of the equation. There is a vast array of interests. This can be a busy time when we are captured by so many different things happening. Thus, we could have some trouble sleeping here. Frazzled with so much social activity and irritable. The mind just doesn’t stop. We can spread ourselves too thin, so try to pace yourself with every step. Lest you become overwhelmed with too much to think about.


Mercury conjunct Jupiter and Trines Pluto: June 3rd/4th:

Mercury is already having governorship over the activities of Jupiter newly in Gemini. Expanding our knowledge and reinforcing our beliefs systems. This is a powerful manifestation aspect. With the ability to put your vision board into your real-life activities. This is a good time for negotiations or making agreements. Legal documentation, signing or connections with the legal system. The power of expression is strong with creativity arising out of passionate undertakings. The power of suggestion is also strong, so do be cautious about stepping into more than you can handle. Lots of possible opportunities for investments, but things can get blown out of proportion. A deep cathartic cleansing and interests that gear towards the scientific or occult regions. This is a good energy to concentrate on what you are doing for a project. A time of mysteries to be presented and detective stories to be written.

Sun conjunct Venus:

When we say it never rains it pours. Indeed, the first part of June showers us with excitement. This is also a passionate connection, beginning a new chapter in what we desire in life. We were probably bored with the usual things anyway and seeking some new stimulation to appetite our interests. This is a great time for socializing. Ask someone out on a date. Go for a beauty treatment. Seek out a new outfit or go for a romantic drive for a weekend away. This brings happiness and a feeling of optimism with good news arriving.

New Moon in Gemini: June 6th: 6:37 AM MST

The New Moon arrives at the 16th degree of Gemini joined with Venus exact. Bringing in the interests of relationships and finding resolutions within financial decision making. It softens the Moon, enabling us to be a little more considerate and thinking before we speak. Making us a little more emotional with our responses. With an eye to beauty or the artistic pursuits in our happiness. We’ve very sensitive to possibilities. Making our minds wonder due to the mutable energy available. We can change our minds here with numerous distractions. Yet, Saturn is trying to harness this imaginative quality into something more tangible and real. Could only be speculation that’s driving our desires. We might not have the resources or energy to fulfill our missions. It all looks good in the head but creating it can be only an illusion like some magazine cover. We will need to watch we are not living in a make-believe world, since Neptune is at the 29th degree. Things are almost in our grasp but slip away through the thread of a dream. There is lots of social connections here, interactions with others that stimulate the mind with good conversation. Mercury rules this energy, leading to conversations that quickly become agreements. The trine to Pluto leads us into the path of the future. Releasing us from obligations or restrictions put in place by Saturn’s hold. We’re determined to have our own way. Releasing those who hold us back. Watch you don’t get scattered as you create your network of co-conspirators.


By the time we enter the second week of June. Things become more serious. Perhaps stalled or things are put on hold as restrictions come into play.

Sun/Venus square Saturn: June 8/9th:

We would have to take things a little more seriously these days. Not perhaps by choice but due to obstacles or blockages arising on your path forward. This could be due to a lack of funding or that things are costing more than one anticipated. You won’t be able to take any shortcuts. So, take your time and just do it the right way to begin with, so you don’t have to do it again. Trouble with people in positions of authority can be challenging. We could feel drained and needing a little rest, yet there is work to be done. Expect some people to not be of much assistance, perhaps because they have issues of their own. Not a good time to ask someone out on a date as things are serious. There is a lot of responsibility to finish up tasks or projects. Be responsible is the best course of action here.


Mars moves into Taurus: June 9th:

Mars is not at his best riding on the bull. He’s detriment, with few options and the need to feel secure through money, material possessions and useful missions. This could perhaps heighten tensions with the military/policing or that more money is spent on activities towards military actions. Taurus is a stubborn sign, which is often none relenting in its stubbornness to stay the course. This forces the usual energy of Mars to slow, determined to acquire the results it seeks. It’s an unyielding unforgiving energy. Jealousy and possessiveness cause sexual tensions. It’s a good thought to set your pace to steady and forward looking.

Tension builds as Mars moves to square Pluto by June 11th:

By mid-month, we are squaring off and perhaps preparing for battle. This is a forceful energy that is prone to breaking free from restraints or restrictions. Yet, if determined to stay the course, can be extremely chaotic with a do or die attitude. Things can quickly spin out of control, which can be rather costly to fix or repair. One needs to watch for online hacking or difficulties with the internet or investing. Violent or vicious maneuvers can be brutal and have a criminal energy to them. Scamming or possessiveness. Wars, revolutions, rebellions, or protests can quickly turn more aggressive, and people could get harmed, hurt, or severely injured and die because of their actions. This is a pushy controlling time. Watch while driving. If one is determined to achieve something, this might be the energy required to finish it up. Accidents could be on the rise. Watch your driving folks.


Mercury squares Saturn: June 12th:

There are many negotiations afoot, with excessive strain or worry. Something could indeed smell a little fishy here. To pinpoint it, might cause a metal block. Like a name on the tip of your tongue. There is too much fretting about, with little imagination or too much imagination as the mind run wild with conspiracy theories. Losing important details along the journey, and then focusing in on a narrow-minded concept, which doesn’t fit into anything logical. There could be a lot of fear residing in the unknown, that people are keeping secrets, but you have a hunch that something is up. Gossip travels fast and furious, leading to pessimism, scheming, and some dishonesty. The blame game of who is responsible materializes. Someone must be after all. Don’t they?


It appears there is some support arising and healing qualities as we straighten out our own reasoning from the 13th to 14th of June.

Sun/Mercury sextile Chiron:

This is a great time to just sit back and have a conversation with oneself. Some of the difficulties you are dealing with could just be from past trauma or incidents in your life. Now is a good time to trust your inner voice, that it isn’t you, but perhaps someone else’s burden you carry. A good opportunity to release it and give it back to whom it belongs.


Venus/Mercury square Neptune: June 16th/17th:

You guessed it, Venus and Mercury are joined together, which is very promising for agreeing on things and coming together in unison. However, the square to Neptune is challenging, as components are missing, and someone could be getting duped in the mix up of things. There is a lot of disorganization here. Absentmindedness and woolgathering, rather than a detailed account of events. Things are unreliable, and it’s not a good time to buy a car, purchase travel tickets, or tickets of any kind, no matter how good it all sounds. Things slip out, that are supposed to be secret, and confidentiality flies to the winds. It’s a good time to write poetry, paint a picture or go to the movies. As escapism is grand way of dealing with things that seem a bit off. Avoid alcohol or drugs, least you lose yourself. People are sympathetic and tend to give to charitable organizations.


Sun Square Neptune: June 20th: Summer Solstice: Sun enters Cancer: June 20th:

The big news here is the beginning of the new season of Summer. Still connected at a 90-degree angle with Neptune. With the Moon in Sagittarius. This all gives us a positive outlook on things. The question is, “is it real?”  Since the Moon also squares Saturn. Which can make the summer months a little depressive. Yet, there is this sense of unbelievable energy. As though someone is keeping secrets from us all. Expect some peculiar things to manifest as our imagination runs wild. It’s a good summer to write a fictional book or attend to psychic fairs and such. Just don’t believe everything you hear, taking things with a grain of salt to keep you alert to potential deceptions. There can be lots of outdoor activities this summer with a determination to strike out on our own missions. Leaving behind various relationships or friends. It’s a very busy active summer that’s full of information, novel ideas, and connections with numerous people.


Full Moon at 1 degree of Capricorn: June 21st:

Shortly after the summer solstice, we are greeted with a Full Moon in the serious sign of Capricorn. Business is highlighted along with politicians. Who in the US will be on the campaign trail, along with Britian’s PM. The Moon doesn’t much like the pressures in this sign, as it makes things rather depressive and challenging to keep one’s spirits up. There’s an out of sign square to Neptune, making us emotionally susceptible to fantasies. Things can get muddles with numerous differing emotions playing at our sensibilities. It’s ruled by Saturn in the difficult sign of Pisces, whereby we should just have the faith to achieve our ambitions or goals. Good nutrition is important with this Full Moon. The Sun has just slipped into the sensitive sign of Cancer, making this even more emotional. There is stress here on families, housing industry, properties, and business dealings. It’s a challenge to figure out which way to turn. Yet, Jupiter newly in Gemini is hot on the trail of a new idea and Uranus is ready to break free from constraints and commit to something new. Mercury will sextile Mars exact, producing a quick metal assessment of any situation. It’s important here that your actions match your verbal expressions, to produce the maximum amount of productivity. People will be pretty set in their ways, so it’s a good time to implement your ideas.


Mercury trine Saturn: June 26th:

After all the kerfuffle happening mid month. We seem to slide out of it by months end. Getting mentally organized in our thoughts and deeds. This is a grand time to implement our ideas, which could be a spin off from the Full Moon’s energy. So, if you haven’t been sure how to get something up and running, this is sure to bring things together and point you in the right direction. This can solidify plans.


Venus sextile Mars and Mercury sextile Uranus : June 29th :

Both these planets are now back in bounds. Allow us to digest the various concepts or risk taking we’ve experimented with. This is a positive energy to produce inventive ideas. Interests in the sciences, electronics or technologies is highlighted. Along with Astrology or occult interests. Opportunities arise to break free from restrictive elements in one’s life. With Venus sextile to Mars, the support is there and some of you could be meeting a new partner or getting involved in a new relationship. Things are rather lively with a lot of social components and plans being made. People are generous and obliging to each other.


Alls’s Well that End’s Well!

We encounter some difficulties as we move through the month. Yet, we seem to land on our feet. One need to keep things in check, so we move down mystical pathways in life.


Spiriitual Journey with Colleen Jorgensen