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Spiritual Journey

Jupiter's Tour of Gemini

Jupiter in Gemini

May 26th, 2024 – June 10, 2025

Expanding Knowledge

Jupiter moves into the agile sign of Gemini on May 26, 2024. Jupiter’s tour of Gemini will expand and magnify Gemini’s energies till June 9, 2025. This will shift gears from the grounding of earth to the lightness of air. Increasing our motion as it accelerates our desires to expand our knowledge.

Jupiter is the largest planet within the solar system. Travelling through each sign in approximately 1 year and the entire zodiac in 12 years. The last time Jupiter toured Gemini was from June of 2012 to June of 2013. Bringing information to the forefront with Edward Snowden releasing NSA information to the world. The Mayan calendar finished, as the world braced for the end of times. We ventured to Mars via a rover and transportation became key to Erden Eruc as he circumnavigated the earth using a boat, bicycle, canoe and hiked. (Jessica Davidson)

Jupiter is about expansion, magnification as we focus upon amplifying life through mental stimulation. Here we enjoy the connections, ceremonies, and rituals. Keeping in mind professionalism. What is allowable as we stretch the limits of our capabilities. Thus, the law becomes important, reaching from the lower courts to the higher courts of the legal system. Jupiter loves the risk. The gamble needed to increase revenue to make life easier, richer, and more luxurious. Where we invest or receive from others. We can be sympathetic here and even compassionate in our giving to those less fortunate. Drawing in charitable people or companies.

Jupiter’s tour of Gemini will bring with it a lot of communication. Negotiations of trade deals. Agreements of all kinds can see us capitalize on beneficial connections with each other. Yet, Gemini is an air sign, which can seem inconsistent. Flipping from one side to the next, which can make things indecisive as we change our minds. There is an indulgence, bringing enlightenment to various communication platforms, such as social media. A need for ever expanding knowledge grabs us to partake in the nitty gritty elements of gossips swirling about us. With warnings that everything we hear may not be the truth. There is an interest in new ideas & how we express ourselves. Languages can be highlighted as we seek out new ways to communicate. Books, literature, lectures, debates, and phones can be especially notable during this transit. Various practices such as record keeping, bookkeeping, or paper filing can shift in some manner. More information is held or scrutinized. Publication and publishing of various materials come into focus.  As well as scrutiny over copyright laws, or plagiarism issues. Writer’s issues or people who work in journalism can be in the spotlight. Along with news stations or TV and electronics. Tickets and event tickets from the largest venues to the smallest can be altered or changed in how we purchase them.

Gemini is about communication, being governed by the swift planet of Mercury. All of us dread the Mercury retrograde as it mixes us up. Take care for the rest of the year when Mercury goes into his retro stations.

Gemini can’t sit still, due to the vast array of interests occupying the mind. There are so many topics to explore. Books or magazines can be strewn about the Gemini sphere of existence. As Jupiter graces this span of the zodiac, we can find ourselves seeking clarification and debates over moral or ethical issues. The right or wrong of something. This can draw in the legal system. New laws can emerge, penetrating the beliefs of many of us. Secrets can emerge, yet it’s hard to choose a side as we weigh all the options before us. Making it difficult to decide. This can cause more anxiety than usual, as we pull against ourselves. This can bring various legal cases to light, which are broadcast for public viewing.

Travel is highlighted for the upcoming year. Especially domestic travel and scooting around our little neighbourhoods. We will love to be on the move. Socializing and visiting with various individuals. Relatives are especially in our sights, bringing more family reunions, weddings, anniversaries, and the like into our realities. Siblings also seem to be prominently expressed. We will want to connect in all sorts of ways. Even if it means doing some genealogy or ancestral investigations, which bring us back in time and to exploring our roots in other countries. We’re intrigued by various stories. Some of us could begin some research or advertise for such missions. It should be a good year for travel agents; however, it might be a little challenging to accommodate some of the clients wishes.

New vehicles, or transportation methods could be emerging upon the landscape. Especially railways or high-speed transportation. Trade routes and trade agreements are highlighted with neighbouring countries. The advancements or expansions of routes or roadways within a certain area or neighbourhood. Taxi’s, delivery services, community delivery or transportation expands. The mail system, delivery services from online purchases grows larger.

There is little doubt we will be indulging in the written word. Which can produce new waves of philosophy to penetrate the world around us. A new way of publishing, writing, or expressing our viewpoints. We can be drawn to various spiritual practices that draw us in. One should be cautious of cult groups though. New religious way or ideologies begin producing new business models. Even technologies begin to arise assisting us to connect to one thing or the other. Mentally this can be a bit strenuous as we grapple with new ways of working with technologies. Such as artificial intelligence.

Jupiter is about wealth and the wealthy. It’s also about taxes, tariffs, trading, and titles. New laws or information could be arising in these areas. A different way of filing taxes or the implementation of new agreements or paper filing of them. Trade agreements with neighbouring countries, especially related to vehicles or transportation and secondary schools are highlighted. Passports or legal documentation requirements. Diplomacy and diplomatic ties are prominently displayed.

The school systems could see an advancement in enrolment. As well as new schools being built. Changes within the systems related to religious rights or belief begin to be adopted. Lots of new ways of learning could be implemented. Online learning expands. The building of libraries or information pushed onto different platforms.

We will need to watch for an increase in bronchitis or respiratory illnesses this year. Lung issues to be sure are highlighted. Issues with arms or shoulder areas of the body. Mental strain and stress, along with panic attacks, anxiety or stressed out. Difficulty sleeping and being overly restless.

There is no doubt an increase in the wind or wind related events. Hurricanes are likely to increase. Windstorms or tornado or cyclone activity.

Everything is bigger and brighter with Jupiter’s influences. Yet, Jupiter holds his detriment in this sign. Making us a little more challenged to plow through various topics or ideas. Things can get out of control quickly as things get blown out of proportion. This can bring in conspiracy theories. Challenges with moral or ethical issues. Difficulties with religious viewpoints or spiritual doctrine. To believe or not to believe becomes the question. We will have to investigate and arrive at our own conclusions. Our curiosity is peaked, with broad interests arising. Making it difficult to problem solve and focus on the problems at hand. We dabble in numerous thoughts of interests.


June 2nd : Jupiter trine Pluto :

This is a lovely connection. Producing a vast storehouse of projects and plans for the future. We are strengthened and encourages us to seek new interests or hobbies. Funding seems available for various scientific advances, along with lots of creativity which can transform our lives significantly. Advancements in Artificial Intelligence or robotics. Discoveries and treasure hunts. A great ability to problem solves through highly perceptive thought processes.

July 18th: Jupiter will Quintile Neptune:

This is highly creative energy. Finding solutions through a storehouse of beliefs in possibilities. Full of promise in music and artistic pursuits. Healing modalities are highlighted. It’s a very favourable time for implementing spiritual quests.

August 19th: Jupiter square Saturn:

This is a very challenging connection. Where expansion meets with resistance and constraint, which seem a little bizarre with Saturn in Pisces realm. This can affect us in numerous ways through the breakdown of financial information or that which holds it, such as computers or hacking. Financial limitations could also be put into place as these two require a balancing of energy, creating possible bankruptcy filings.  Timing is bad and we miscalculate our expectations by a foot or mile. Freedoms could seem restricted or limited in some manner or that we are cut off from some vital source of information. Things can seem a little bit out of control. Patience is required.

Oct 12 to November 30th: Jupiter sextiles Chiron

This is a very healing energy, whereby we can realize our potential to recover from numerous challenges. We can learn new techniques for coping and seek communication in dealing with various issues we’ve undertaken. Reduction in stress and mental complications will be key to taking our next positive steps forward.

The good news is also that Jupiter will be aligning positively with the North and South Nodes. Giving us insight into our own directions with the ability to release and let go of various relationships or ties which are holding us back.

Be the spirit of your own journey. Seek out on a quest of of knowledge as we venture forth with Jupiter touring Gemini.


Spiritual Journey with Colleen Jorgensen