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Spiritual Journey

Spring Equinox

March 20, 2022

11:34 AM Ottawa Canada


New Year Begins Astrologically

This is the time of the year, when the Sun moves into the lively sign of Aries. Producing equal day and night. Striking a balance, but also a new birthing of a Season and year. This event is striking, as it will give the tone for the upcoming energies emerging for the next year ahead.


For the Ottawa chart, which will influence the country of Canada, the Ascendant rests at the 2nd degree of Cancer, bringing into the picture 9th house issues from the natal chart.

Cancer is of protection, safety and proud patriotic energies for a country. Focused on land, properties and living together cohesively as one unit or family.

Signaling a focus on immigration issues being highlighted. Foreign relations are more significantly pronounced. With the Cancer influences families and people’s concerns in other countries is of interest. Distant travel and other connections with other nations takes presidency. The courts play a roll in the events transpiring this year. Law and litigation, perhaps passing of new laws or judicial concerns of ethics, morals or values. Ethnic backgrounds, and equality of the people stand out. Constitutional laws or documents. For sure educational issues, perhaps with foreign students. University mandates or professional careers are focused upon. Publishing houses, and the written word, perhaps copy right issues. Large media outlets and reporting are addressed. Exaggerations and perhaps false information arises. Shipping, and international law. Water boundaries or jurisdictions. Along with maritime law, and space travel and perhaps jurisdiction in this area. Air waves and control of space or air. Our values are of prime importance as our belief systems change as the season changes.


The Moon rules this energy and lands at the 29th degree of Libra 53 minutes. Showing the above interests and focuses are in a state of hesitancy. This is an anaretic degree, which is defective in seeing things clearly. The population and people of the country are tired, or strained. More then ready to move on and change directions. So, although it seems we are concerned with others and our relationships to other people around the world and their plight, we are also eager to address other more vital concerns related to the next sign of Scorpio. That of our financial stability and fiscal responsibilities. The debt and the cost of living. Wastefulness from governments and the burden being placed upon the people. The cost of all of it.

We have unfinished business though, so that is pushed back for another day, as we seek peaceful means to rescue or save others internationally. We are looking beyond our boarders to our alliances with other countries first and foremost. To which, no real tangible solutions can be sought. The good news is, the Moon is making positive connections with the Ascendant and the MC, which will put us in a favorable light. Especially the people of Canada, as they open their arms to the concerns at hand. The 29th degree can also indicate too much of something, where decisions become agonizing. There is a crisis energy with a sense of urgency to it. Always having to be ready just in case. This gives little time to rest due to the heightened boiling points emerging.

The Moon is in direct square to Pluto, creating extremes between the people and the powers that be. There are a lot of control issues circulating. With Capricorn, certainly more implementation of rules or regulations to contend with. An unease, due to underlying circumstances, perhaps not yet realized. Criminal activities in the halls of government or within big business is causing an imbalance within the systems. There is a impatience, obsessive quality over debts, dislocation, or dysfunctional elements, which cause havoc or extremes to be present. Financial issues surrounding taxation or payments owed. The stock market is perhaps controlled by elements unseen by others. A rise in bankruptcies, defaulted loans and repo’s are heavy. Additional taxation on properties, housing, or luxury items.

Venus is of top priority, and of prime importance. She rules the banking systems, financial responsibilities to maintain balance and peaceful terms and conditions for the people of the land. A need for diplomacy, protocol and pleasantries. Holding the arts, theatre and music, along with textiles, jewlerty and beauty products. Farming is also her jurisdiction and the nations over all resources. She is in Aquarius, closely associated with Mars and square Uranus. This causes disruptions, which are abrupt and unexpected. Mars here, also further inflames the situation, by adding possible rebellion and resistance. Military or army enforcements. Strong policing towards rebellion or discontent within protests. Rioting or the like can manteralize with acts of violence. Expect some disruptions to the internet systems, perhaps cyber attacks. Potential problems with the electrical grid. Unexpected weather events, with earthquakes, plane crashes or volcanic eruptions. Travel accidents are more common.

The square between Venus and Uranus, can cause financial problems especially on the markets. A direct link to foreign investments, immigration issues and trade agreements. There is a need to break free here, to cut ties and not follow the status quo any longer. There is a rebellious, distancing energy, which can dislocate us from reality.


The Sun in Aries, is a yearly thing, bursting forth a new vitality and energy. This Sun brings new innovative actions and a pioneering spirit of renewal. Ruled by Mars, there is little patience here. An eagerness to push forward with new plans and not to be held back by old dogma or outworn rules. New leadership could emerge, that’s fresh and different then the old standards of yesteryears. The way we wish to do business is changing, as we seek new ways of engagement. An out with the old and in with the new is prevalent.


The super stellium between Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune, brings forth perhaps peace talks. Which is good in the face of some events transpiring in the world today. In Pisces a different belief system of morals, ethics and values. Big dreams manifest out of this. Hope for the future and the rise of spirituality. A sense of going beyond ourselves, as we begin to release the past and launch a new future. More awareness of meditation practices, religious practices and perhaps a new religion. Cult followings and new messages of inspiration and love. Yoga practices and perhaps more retreat venues emerge. More psychic awareness and practices. A closer association with angelic energies, spiritual connections as the veil thins. God essence and working with light energies. Inspiration and talk of realizations of abilities. New schools of thought.

We can be dealing with issues with water. Water can be rising, perhaps floods or difficulty with the oceans or ground water resources. Contamination or toxic build up, which is common with flooding or severe storms. One would need to watch for this if a sailor with an increase in wave swells. Perhaps pharmaceutical difficulties or new drugs emerging. Alcohol or drug issues. Perhaps new methods of treating addictions with new facilities available. Disease and cures. Hospitals, jails and mental therapy are all highlighted for renewal.


The Moon is defective, discontent and lacks direction. Which could be what is happening in Canada. A stalled energy, which is difficult to turn in one direction or the others.