We begin anew with each passing of the Sun’s journey. As he transverses across our skies. Like the pendulum swinging within the clock of life. Back and forth in rhythmic time.
We are now at the juncture where Grandfather Sun takes his rest. With Old Man winter settling in to take hold of the realms by the 21st. Grandfather Sun begins his rest on December 20th, as he reaches his farthest point south. He is tired after his long journey and will sleep until the Eve of December 24th.
The Winter Solstice is a time for us to rest. To prepare for the coming of the light and to celebrate the return of Grandfather Sun as he awakens from his sleep. This is the time of the year to be still. Contemplating the coming year. A space within a space, where everything is silent. Sleep walking as we float amongst our ancestors. We have these spaces. Moments where we are drawn to spirit rather then our physical forms. A wonder of the universe and her chimes.
We enter a new frequency during the phase of Grandfather Sun’s journey and the tick of time when the Winter Solstice greets us. Where the days slow and darkness descends. We withdraw to envision our new year. Yet reflecting on the challenges we faced through our travels to this point. This is a time to receive the answers we so seek to our questions. Our hopes, aspirations filter through the haze to greet us with inspiration. The tone changes, as the heart skips a beat when we draw closer to one another for protection, sustenance, and companionship. An acknowledgement of our roots, where we’ve come from and to return to the folds.
We return to our traditional ways. Embracing our tribe as we gain stability within our souls. This is a time to pause, take note of the barrenness, yet filled with wonder at the magic within our lives. A deep sleep descends upon the land. Wrapping us in the blanket of our reality as it is. This gives us a moment of acknowledgement. Understanding of our position within the vastness of time and space. An opportunity now to change the course of our destiny through the awareness of our place. We are grounded, heavy as we sleepwalk through life.
This is a time to be patient with yourself. Calming the mind, with mulled wine or steeped tea blends. To begin your journal and make promises to yourself. A secret within the mind unravels to possibilities. Creating a new reality of self awareness.
Prepare for the celebrations of Grandfather Sun returning his journey on the 24th. Settled into our ancient wisdoms. Listening for a new state of being. Walking with spirit, while we pay attention to the synchronicities that balance the earth within time and space. Hearing the whispering of the muses as they inspire us to move on. Setting our intentions, as we walk the path of enlightenment.
Old Man Winter descends upon us as Grandfather Sun enters the cold realms of Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice. A blurring of events mixed all as one but divided by the ice forming on the edges of the clock of life. This is the beginning of our new season. A divination as he rules the world around us. Chilling us to the bone, as Mother Earth draws back to sleep and dream her dreams. We must preserve here, be cautious of our waste and share with our fellow travellers.
We celebrate when we are through the space within a space as Grandfather Sun awakens and Old Man Winter takes his throne. Everything is in place as the transition of power is coronated with precision. A single day, marked by Christmas. A threshold of space from one dimension to the next. Caught betwixt and between. Where we kiss under the mistle toe. Eat, drink and be merry in our blessings.
When the day of Christmas passes, we are then through the door and out of the space within a space. Only to enter a subliminal space between the old and the new. Still ascending as we listen to the music begin to play.
This begins the Omen Days as we divine our journey into the coming year. An old Celtic Tradition greets us with the 12 days of Christmas. Mark your calendars and prepare your journals. We begin on December 26th, which is the first day of Christmas and will end this ascension on Jan 6th of the new year.
This is a magical time, when our ancestors greet us with secrets we have not yet heard or experienced. Giving us omen’s as we seek answers or directions for the journey ahead. These are the “days out of time”. Another space within a space as we transition through the folds of our existence. A journey taken every year, yet often sleeping as we rise, rather then paying attention to the awakening of Grandfather Sun and Old Man Winter. Wise in their years. Giving us the clues, we need to survive and learn the lessons we so need.
In the days out of time. You are given the information you need to navigate the rest of the years journey. Each day, an omen is presented to you. A sign or synchronicity of elements or animals to guide you forth. Take a walk each day. Reflect and go inwards as you watch the sky above you and the environment around you. Write what you see and feel. Write what happened to you as you move through the days out of time. Each day represents a month in actual time. The beginning to the end. Even through the transitions of power arise throughout the year as the staff is handled back to Gaia and summer is once again upon us.
As the divinations unfold through the Omen Days. Be thankful for the secrets emerging from the spiritual realms and mother earth telling stories of your path unfolding.
We can then embark on 2023 with a sense of hope, awareness, and enlightenment as we venture forth. Not so unknown now and comforted by the spiritual guidance we’ve always had within the cycles of Life.
Blessings to you as we approach the Wonders of the Festive Season.
Spiritual Journey with Colleen Jorgensen